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When to See a Specialist About Your Low Energy

Feeling tired at the end of a long day is typical. However, it might be a sign of something more severe if you're constantly fatigued and don't feel better after a night's rest.

Hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and poor habits can trigger fatigue. Whatever the reason, our mission at ARA Integrative and Functional Medicine in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, is to identify and treat the root causes of fatigue. 

Dr. Rina Kapoor and our team examine everything from your lifestyle to your body's functions to find what’s behind your low energy.

In this article, she explains why you might experience low energy and when to see a specialist about it.

What’s fatigue?

Fatigue isn't just about feeling sleepy; it's a state of constant exhaustion that can reduce your quality of life. 

Chronic fatigue can manifest physically, mentally, and emotionally, affecting your work performance, social life, and overall happiness. It can make you feel weak, make it hard to think clearly, and impact your mood.

However, it's crucial to distinguish between everyday tiredness and chronic fatigue. With regular tiredness, good rest can have you feeling like yourself in no time. However, chronic fatigue persists no matter how much rest you get.

When should you see a specialist?

If your fatigue lasts more than a few weeks or gets worse, consider seeing a specialist. That’s especially true if fatigue interferes with your ability to perform daily activities or enjoy life.

Symptoms like weight changes, mood swings, or trouble sleeping that happen along with your fatigue could indicate an underlying health issue that needs attention.

At our clinic, we take a detailed look at your health history, lifestyle, and symptoms to understand your fatigue. That helps us create a treatment plan that's right for you.

Treatment for fatigue

Our treatment for persistent low energy includes:

Personalized nutrition plans

We tailor your diet to address deficiencies and boost energy levels. Our specialists may recommend supplements and vitamins to support your health.

Lifestyle modifications

We advise you on how to improve your sleep, manage stress, and get more exercise daily.

Mind-body practices

Techniques like meditation, yoga, and acupuncture improve your mental and physical well-being.

Natural hormone therapy

We offer natural hormone replacement therapy when appropriate for hormonal imbalances.

Weight loss support

We provide guidance and support for sustainable weight loss, which can significantly impact energy levels.

Recovering from chronic fatigue can take time, especially if the problem is complex. Be patient and trust that we're by your side at every step.

What to expect at your consultation

During your visit, we discuss your health history, daily habits, and any other symptoms you have. We might also do some tests to check for hormonal imbalances or nutritional deficiencies.

While waiting for your appointment, try to get regular sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and use relaxation techniques to manage stress.

If you're dealing with ongoing low energy, take it seriously. At ARA Integrative and Functional Medicine, we're committed to finding the cause of your fatigue to help you get back to feeling energetic and healthy.

Request an appointment with us online today or call our Philadelphia-area office at 610-358-3300.

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