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 Thrive Through Menopause with These Simple Strategies

 Thrive Through Menopause with These Simple Strategies

Your menstrual cycle and reproductive years typically end between ages 45-55. The process and all it brings is called menopause, and for many women, its effects are significant.

Some research shows that up to 80% of women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep troubles. A significant number of women in this category experience symptoms debilitating enough to seek medical care. 

At ARA Integrative and Functional Medicine in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, Dr. Rina Kapoor, a double board-certified internal and integrative medicine specialist, uses hormone imbalance treatments to help women looking for relief from severe menopause symptoms. 

In this article, she provides six simple but effective strategies to help you stay healthy and live comfortably in this new phase of womanhood. 

What’s menopause?

The three stages of menopause start with perimenopause, when your body starts to change, usually in your 40s. You might notice your periods getting irregular and other symptoms like hot flashes because your hormone levels are beginning to go up and down. 

Menopause officially happens when you haven't had a period for 12 consecutive months, and your hormone levels, like estrogen, have dropped significantly. Menopause typically occurs around age 51. 

Postmenopause is the period after menopause and the rest of your life. Your menopause symptoms might ease, but lower estrogen levels can affect bone and heart health. Keeping an eye on your overall health and lifestyle is essential.

Strategies to manage menopause symptoms

Menopause symptoms can start in perimenopause and continue into postmenopause, affecting quality of life and overall well-being. Strategies to help you manage those symptoms include:

Adopting a balanced diet

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help balance your hormones and ease symptoms like hot flashes and weight gain. Including foods high in phytoestrogens, such as soy, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds, can also help relieve symptoms. 

Reducing your consumption of caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol is also recommended to help manage hot flashes and improve your sleep quality.

Getting regular physical activity

While going through menopause, exercise can help you manage your weight, boost your mood, improve your sleep, and strengthen your bones, reducing your risk of osteoporosis. 

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity weekly, along with muscle-strengthening exercises two or more days a week.

Prioritizing sleep

Sleep disturbances are common during menopause. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensuring a cool, comfortable sleep environment can significantly improve your sleep. 

Managing stress

Chronic stress can worsen menopause symptoms. Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can reduce stress levels and improve emotional well-being. Find activities that relax and rejuvenate you so you return to them.

Staying hydrated

Being well-hydrated is crucial for your health, especially during menopause. Drinking enough water can help relieve dry skin and reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Aim for eight glasses daily, and add hydrating foods like cucumbers, strawberries, and watermelon to your diet.

Seeking support

Menopause doesn't just trigger physical symptoms; it causes emotional ones as well. Getting help from friends, family, or support groups can be comforting. 

Significant hormonal changes cause menopausal symptoms. At ARA Integrative and Functional Medicine, we provide hormone imbalance treatments, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), for women experiencing severe symptoms. 

Going through menopause doesn't have to be a struggle. You can manage symptoms and thrive during this process with the right strategies and medical support. Schedule an appointment online today or call our Philadelphia-area office at 610-358-3300 to get started. 

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